Rainbow Vacuum Specialists launches aggressive new customer service focus
RainVac - Rainbow Vacuum Specialists
July 27, 2012 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Rainbow Vacuum Specialists has just launched their new revitalized customer service program, focused on immediate service and 100% customer satisfaction.Russell Ruckman, Chief Executive Officer of the company, explained how this reflects a dramatic change in focus for Rainbow Vacuum Specialists.
"Obviously, we've always stressed customer service, because we realize that our customers are our greatest evangelists. And since parts and repairs are a big portion of our business, certainly we needed to have a responsive group working that side of our business," said Ruckman.
When asked what has changed, he responded, "Initially, we were trying to grow, to establish our brand. So naturally, that got a lot of our attention. But once you're established - when you have product credibility - you need to find a new focus.
"We don't have to market ourselves as aggressively as we did when we started out. Now we can focus on ways of increasing our efficiency. Offering the best, most affordable service to be had is the way we've chosen to do that.
"I learned a long time ago that you can't make changes to a company on a departmental level and expect them to have major impact on the bottom line. You have to adjust the company's vision – set new goals – or you'll only see small improvements.
"We're not looking for small improvements. We're going to revamp our entire focus. We already have one of the finest products on the market. Now we intend to offer the finest service as well. And the added efficiency will help us keep our prices at a level that gives our customers a triple win."
RainVac already has some impressive aspects to their services, such as free nationwide pick-up and free delivery, with no labor charges, plus a 3 year warranty on all parts and service. When asked how he expected to improve upon that, Ruckman had this to say:
"We're not quite ready to share that yet, because we''re still ironing out some details. But as good as it is, it'll be even better when we roll it out. I'm not kidding when I say we intend to offer the BEST service in the industry."
Ruckman went on to say that just because the company intends to push hard on the service front, that doesn't mean the product quality won't continue to be top of the line. "RexAir/Rainbow has been providing the finest vacuum cleaning and water-based filtration system there is for over 75 years. We're just going to enhance that."
If you'd like to see more information on Rainbow Vacuum Specialists' product and service offerings, you can visit their web site at www.rainvac.com.
Contact Information
Russell Ruckman, Chief Executive Officer
RainVac - Rainbow Vacuum Specialists
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Russell Ruckman, Chief Executive Officer
RainVac - Rainbow Vacuum Specialists
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