There's Nothing Profound About the Fake Antipyware App Called Windows Profound Security
Similar to other popular rogue antispyware programs, Windows Profound Security fools PC users out of their money.
July 13, 2012 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Windows Profound Security, being a rogue antispyware program, relies on its familiar looking interface and deceptive alert notifications to swindle PC users. deems Windows Profound Security a scam. Windows Profound Security actually pushes PC users to the point that they buy a copy of the Windows Profound Security software. Moreover, Windows Profound Security is known to establish a misconception among PC users through throwing around misleading messages. In purchasing Windows Profound Security, it will not enable additional functions aiding in the removal of detected malware. In fact, Windows Profound Security does not actually detect legitimate threats, but instead, fabricates all threat notifications.Windows Profound Security has been discovered by security analysts to be a part of a large growing family of fake antimalware programs. These programs, such as Windows Virtual Angel and Windows Virus Hunter, are suspected to be designed and marketed by the same group of hackers.
The unlucky computer users who have crossed paths with Windows Profound Security, have a natural desire to remove Windows Profound Security. The ill-fated part about removing Windows Profound Security is that it is almost impossible to eliminate using familiar uninstallation methods. Because of this, security experts have taken extra steps to provide users with the necessary resources to assist with removal of Windows Profound Security from one's system.
The released Windows Profound Security removal report at is just one particular example of a trusted source providing resources to successfully and safely remove Windows Profound Security from a PC. Furthermore, released a video demonstrating the process of using resources from their latest Windows Profound Security removal report to completely eliminate the threat of Windows Profound Security and other malware.
Any PC user who has had difficulty with removing Windows Profound Security, may take use of the new removal report linked above.