Windows Proactive Safety Confirmed as an Actively Aggressive Scam
July 06, 2012 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Windows Proactive Safety is nothing more than a fake antimalware program that actively seeks out unsuspecting computer users in an effort to swindle them out of money. warns you of this scare tactic and the nightmare it brings to PC users as they are tricked into thinking Windows Proactive Safety is a solution to removing detected malware. The Windows Proactive Safety program itself is hidden under a colorful graphic interface that tends to closely resemble legitimate antispyware or antimalware programs. By this very factor alone, Windows Proactive Safety may be initially judged by PC users to be a trusted program. On the contrary, Windows Proactive Safety is not to be trusted. Windows Proactive Safety is basically a ploy and ultimate a rip-off due to it asking for purchase in order to remove so-called detected threats.
Windows Proactive Safety was also found to come from a large family of malware creators. These hackers develop and market programs like Windows Proactive Safety on almost a daily basis. Many of these programs are related to one another. In the case of Windows Proactive Safety, it may be linked to other fake security apps such as Windows Pro Defence or Windows Pro Safety.
With the state of today's economic conditions, wasting money on programs such as Windows Proactive Safety is a hard feat to overcome. As a benefit, PC users who are able to identify Windows Proactive Safety as the scam that it is may utilize resources on removal guides to assist with removal of Windows Proactive Safety. Due to Windows Proactive Safety having no conventional way of being removed, the use of an antimalware program or specialized resources must be in play to uninstall the Windows Proactive Safety program.
Representing a proven way to completely remove Windows Proactive Safety, the video linked here shows PC users how using a specialized resource can delete the Windows Proactive Safety on a PC.
There is nothing proactive about Windows Proactive Safety other than the fact that it tends to annoy PC users the instant that it is installed. In an effort to rid a system of Windows Proactive Safety, removal resources may be accessed on the newly released Windows Proactive Safety removal report at: