Windows Antihazard Solution Utilizes Scareware Tactics to Sell Its Fake Antispyware

March 20, 2012 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
PC users who may run across Windows Antihazard Solution will undoubtedly have a frightened experience once they realize the deceptive creators of Windows Antihazard Solution are out to take their money. Windows Antihazard Solution has been deemed to be a money extortion tool instead of a usable anti-malware or anti-spyware program for the PC.

In a thorough analysis of Windows Antihazard Solution, it has been discovered by the security resource site, that Windows Antihazard Solution is not much different from other rogue anti-spyware programs. Additionally, Windows Antihazard Solution closely resembles previous rogueware such as Windows Problems Stopper, Windows Risk Minimizer, Windows No-Risk Center, Windows Health Keeper and Windows Antihazard Solution. In these surprising discoveries, was able to provide comprehensive solutions to safely remove these fake security programs within a newly released removal report. has recently updated several of their removal reports to better help PC users plagued with Windows Antihazard Solution and other similar rogue anti-spyware programs. Specific to Windows Antihazard Solution, the new Windows Antihazard Solution removal report on, gives PC users a synopsis of where Windows Antihazard Solution may come from and how it may be removed from a PC. These removal reports and their custom tailored removal resources are essential due to the fact that programs such as Windows Antihazard Solution cannot be un-installed using conventional methods.

Any PC user who may have a system infected with Windows Antihazard Solution or other related malware, must remember that these fake security apps were created by cybercrooks who only look to gain a quick payday. It is in any computer user's best interest to remove any detected malware in an expeditious fashion, so they can prevent future issues. Some of these issues may arise after allowing Windows Antihazard Solution or similar malware to block Internet access or overtake the desktop with bogus pop-up warning messages.

A new YouTube video titled "Learn How to Detect and Remove Windows Antihazard Solution" has been made available to visually represent the easy task of using a legit anti-spyware program to remove Windows Antihazard Solution.

The latest Windows Antihazard Solution removal report is consistently updated and made available at: