Windows Vista Antivirus 2012 Revealed as a Rogue Anvirus Scam

February 02, 2012 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Windows Vista Antivirus 2012, also known as Vista Antivirus 2012, is been deemed a rogue antivirus program incapable of providing any usable function for a PC that may or may not be infected with malware.

Although the Windows Vista operating system is rather old now, cybercrooks continue to utilize the name of 'Windows Vista' to garnish their new fake antivirus and malware applications. One recently uncovered fake malware program, aptly named Windows Vista Antivirus 2012, has a removal report from exclusively for computer users who wish to remove the Windows Vista Antivirus 2012 program from their PC.

Windows Vista Antivirus 2012 has proven to be a failure at detecting and removing malware from a PC. PC users who encounter Windows Vista Antivirus 2012 have reported issues with un-installing the Windows Vista Antivirus 2012 application. The creators of Windows Vista Antivirus 2012 have purposely made it difficult to remove Windows Vista Antivirus 2012. The rogueware creators also have a long list of rogue antivirus programs like System Check, Security Shield, XP Antivirus 2012, Windows XP Internet Security 2012, Antivirus Smart Protection and Win 7 Security 2012.

As a refreshing solution to ridding a system of Windows Vista Antivirus 2012, has released a newly updated Windows Vista Antivirus 2012 removal report. Within the report, several aspects of Windows Vista Antivirus 2012 are revealed along with uncovering related rogue antivirus programs such as Internet Security 2012 and Internet Security 2012.

Many security sites across the Internet have reported on Windows Vista Antivirus 2012's failed efforts to detect and remove computer viruses and other malware. Within the's Windows Vista Antivirus 2012 removal report, it gives PC users several necessary resources to successfully remove the Windows Vista Antivirus 2012 program.

PC users will realize that Windows Vista Antivirus 2012 is malware and must be removed to restore normal functionality to their PC. The Windows Vista Antivirus 2012 removal report at: will help them accomplish this task.