Northern Minnesota craftsman builds low tech observatory that increases star gazing time with one-person, one-minute set up
Opening & closing the DobHut in less than 2 minutes
November 14, 2011 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Park Rapids, MN; 11/14/11 DobHut Observatory - Squeezing in a few minutes of star gazing in today's busy world is a serious challenge for professionals who enjoy astronomy. Nick Reed, of announces the solution-the DobHut. Custom crafted in the North Woods, the DobHut solves a big problem for today's astronomy enthusiast. How can they have quick, easy access to their telescope and still protect their investment? (amateur telescopes can cost thousands of dollars.)
Estimates of the total number of amateur astronomy buffs in the U.S. range from 200,000 to 500,000, according to the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, so there is a big need.
The DobHut takes less than a minute to open & use, and only a minute to close down. Its unique design shows virtually the entire sky, allowing for wide-open, panoramic vistas. The vented structure helps keep telescope optics at ambient temperatures, so the stars can be observed quickly, with less waiting time for optics to adapt to open air.
Designed especially with Dobsonian telescopes in mind, the secure structure also accommodates tripod mounted telescopes, and uses a dead bolt lock for safety & protection.
While traditional dome observatories often lead to losing orientation to the sky every time they are rotated, DobHut is stationary. There are no tracks or rollers, and all moving parts are hinged, with roof sections being counterweighted for ease of handling by just one person.
The raised floor keeps the interior remarkably dry when not in use and, since the telescope sits on a center section isolated from the floor, vibrations are not transmitted to the telescope.
When closed, DobHut looks like an ordinary storage shed-a simple shed with a flat sloped roof that splits, so that each half, along with the upper part of the side walls, folds off. A fold-down south facing wall allows a wide open panorama for nights of steady seeing and exceptional transparency.
The DobHut is particularly for busy professionals who have made a sizable investment in their Dobsonian telescope, yet lack the time, energy or skills to design and build their own observatory.
Call or email Mr. Nick Reed, or visit the DobHut website for pictures and video of the DobHut in action.
218-573-2803 Mon –Fri 10:00AM- 6:00PM E.T.
218-573-2805 (fax)
218-251-1007 (cell)
DobHut Observatory
P.O. Box 586
Park Rapids, MN 56470