Take Charge in Winning the Battle with Acne
May 13, 2011 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
Understanding the root cause of skin problems, getting a proper diagnosis, and having a customized skin treatment regimen is key to winning the battle of acne. Ageless Medical Center, located in upscale Toluca Lake, CA, has created a state-of-the- art medical spa to help you win this battle. Luxury at its best, Ageless Medical Center provides acne cure treatment services including Clinical Acne Treatment, Mechanical, Chemical, and Manual Exfoliation methods, Dermix Signature Facial, Seaweed Nourishing Facial, Enzyme Treatments, and even Oxygen Treatments. Your acne treatment center also gives you more fighting power with Ultrasonic Facials, Intense Pulse Light Therapy (IPL) which helps reduce the appearance of acne rosacea, acne scars, and acne hyperpigmention, Cosmelan Peel, Obaji Blue Peel, Micropeel plus, Cryogenic Therapy, and Electric-facials.Treating and recovering from acne on your own can be a grueling experience; fortunately, with Ageless Medical Center this battle doesn't require intense labor but insists on relaxation, comfort, and sheer indulgence. All you need to do is lay back in one of their comfortable private rooms and let the skin care professionals help you conquer your healthy skin. Adding proper skin care products, acne topical treatment, acne supplements and herbs for acne to your daily routine can dramatically improve the quality of your skin. Nourishing and maintaining what you have achieved during your skin care treatments will do just that! Find out which products are right for you.
Ageless Medical Center's primary focus is to provide you with total health and wellness bringing your body to its natural balance. They are located in the Dermix Dental and Medical Spa Center building near Hollywood, CA where all of your medical, health, and beauty needs are met. Why wait one more day- fight the acne battle today.
For more information about Ageless Medical Center and Acne Treatment, please visit: www.AgeLessMedicalCenter.com and schedule an appointment today.