neXpager : customizable mobile landing page for simple app downloads
April 05, 2011 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Using neXva's tool, developers can seamlessly direct users to a mobile page that recognizes the user's device and displays the correct build (OS/version) of their app for download.Developers can create their customized neXpager in a few clicks after they upload their builds to the neXva marketplace (
neXpager works on all major mobile OSs - Android, Blackberry, iPhone, Java, Symbian, Windows Phone and HTML5 (including WAC).
"Our developer partners told us what difficulties they were facing with device recognition." said Shaun Zelber, founder and COO of neXva. "We heard them and developed neXpager. Their comments started a creative technology process that allowed us to make it even better. neXpager coupled with the high payout rates we offer for our payment solution, make for a great way for developers to simplify their processes and earn more revenue."
"neXpager makes full use of our neXngin technology which at its core matches a user's device with the correct OS/build. Cool features like supporting multiple languages and the like are add-ons that allow big app developers to drive traffic via mobile ad campaigns to their neXpager. All in all it is an elegant solution that makes the process of advertising an app across multiple OSs very simple." neXva CTO Jahufar Sidique declared.
About neXva:
neXva is a next generation mobile centric app store. In creating neXva, the founders threw out all of the old notions of what a mobile app store is and does and started with a blank screen and totally new ideas. neXva is all about ease of use for the mobile user and providing helpful tools to benefit content developers. It isn't the usual clumsy web site selling apps for mobiles. Rather, it's a whole new approach that is totally centered on the mobile experience from discovering apps, purchase, download and then after download with ratings and updates.
Contact press :
Shaun Zelber
Mail : Skype : szelber