Complementary Health TV Series TM airs Lets Go Buffalo TV pilot

October 08, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
“Lets Go Buffalo” TV Pilot Airs

Part of a new Western New York TV series on insurance and complementary health.

Bob Kazee of the “Lets Go Buffalo TV” show and Lester Robinson will introduce the TV pilot, Buffalo newest TV show. The show is going to highlight local businesses, local not-for-profit groups and help promote local events. The show focuses on events in the Western New York area. The main theme of the program is to show a what positive area Western New York is. They will also talk about the web site www. Lets Go, and how this works with the TV show. They are also looking for guests, local businesses, and not- for profit groups that are looking to get help to promote Western New York, and show what a great place this is to live. The ABC’s of Insurance Complementary Health TV Seriesä is hosted by Lester J. Robinson and airs Thursday October 20, at 6:30pm and Friday October21, at 2:00pm, Tuesday October 25 at 8:30 pm on Niagara County’s LCTV Channel 20. The series also airs Wednesday October 19, at 10:35pm on Erie County’s Adelphia Channel 20.

“The Complementary Health TV Series™ “teams up with “Lets go Buffalo” TV show again. This TV show will be Co-Hosted by Lester Robinson and Bob Kazee. The topics in the show will be, The Baby Joe Mesi Fight for Organ Donation and his foundation. This interview will talk about the importance of organ donation, and how you can be a organ donor. The next show will be Buffalo Bison Baseball, and how baseball allows people to enjoy themselves and relax. The next interview will be Nando A. Silenzi who explains how he invented a solution for peanut allergies with his new product called "NO NUTS GOLDEN PEABUTTER".J.S.Foods (USA) Inc proudly presents J.S.Foods (USA) Inc.

Other programs in The ABC’s of Insurance Complementary Health Series explore self-help stress relief techniques ranging from meditation, organic food, cooking and Rieki to self healing with Bruno Groening Circle of Friends to medical practices including special programs set up by health insurance companies. This is an interactive TV series. To find out more go to WWW.CHSWLR.COM

To interview Lester J. Robinson on “The ABC’s of Insurance” presents “The Complementary Health TV Seriesä”, Bob Kazee the host of” Lets go Buffalo” TV show—or to receive a list of experts featured in this complementary health TV seriesä—contact Lester J. Robinson at the numbers above. Thank you for your consideration.