Mr. Ticket, Traffic Ticket Lawyer, Advises on DUI and DWI in Los Angeles California
Traffic Ticket Attorney
August 10, 2010 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
Los Angeles, California (August 2010) - In the State of California, DUI/DWI charges are a very serious offense. A blood alcohol concentration over 0.08% will get you an arrest for drunk driving. If you are under the age of 21, the blood alcohol concentration limit is 0.01%, and for commercial drivers, it is 0.04%. These DUI charges can easily jeopardize your job, or at least disturb your daily life. Mr. Ticket, traffic lawyer in Los Angeles, would like to offer some advice on how to handle DUI/DWI charges. A DUI/DWI charge will result in your immediate arrest, and your driver's license will be suspended and sent to the DMV, along with a suspension order and a sworn report. If you feel that you are not guilty of this offense, you can contest the suspension of your license, but you must do so within ten days after you have received notification of your suspension.
Should you be pulled over by a police officer for suspicion of DUI/DWI, you would be wise to agree to a blood alcohol concentration test, which may be in the form of a breath test, a blood test, or even a urine test. If you refuse to take the test, it is as good as admitting your guilt, and your driver's license will be immediately suspended.
At the hearing for DUI/DWI, a conviction will mean the payment of hefty fines and the need to partake in DUI programs that may last up to nine months in duration. You stand the chance of losing your license and even going to jail.
If you are over the age of 21, your first DUI conviction will suspend your license for four months. Should you have a second conviction within a ten year period following the first conviction, your license will be suspended for one year. And a third conviction within another ten year period following the second conviction will involve a suspension of two years.
For those under the age of 21, the first conviction will result in a suspension of one year. A second conviction within ten years of the first means a suspension of two years, and another conviction within ten years of the second will suspend the license for a three year period.
Commercial drivers who are convicted of DUI/DWI may lose their jobs and have to find another way of earning a living during the period of time that their license has been suspended.
Should you ever be faced with a DUI/DWI charge, you will need the services of a reputable Los Angeles DUI attorney, such as Mr. Ticket, to assist you. To learn more about how Mr. Ticket, traffic ticket attorney, can help you to fight traffic tickets in Los Angeles and California, visit their website, or call (866) 780-1234 or stop by their office located at 16633 Ventura Blvd., Suite 503, Encino CA 91436.
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