Back a winner at the Warrnambool May Racing Carnival in Melbourne -
April 14, 2010 (PRLEAP.COM) Travel News can reveal that racing enthusiasts who are travelling around Australia next month may want to book themselves into hotels in Melbourne ahead of the Warrnambool May Racing Carnival.Taking place over three days, the event always attracts a big crowd and promises to be plenty of fun for anyone who attends.
Gates to the Warrnambool Racecourse will open on May 4th, with racing and entertainment on offer every day of the meet.
The highlight is the Flying Horse Bar & Brewery Grand Annual Steeplechase.
Horses and their jockeys will compete over this 5,500 metre-long course, which features more jumps than any other equine race in the world.
It also boasts the title of the longest thoroughbred contest in Australia.
Unlike other races, the Annual Steeplechase does not follow the conventional course - it sees riders leave the stadium before galloping over paddocks and roads and then heading back to the track for the final section.
People who have tickets for the Tuesday or Wednesday will be allowed into the venue from 09:30 (local time), while those attending on the final day can make an earlier start if they want to with the gates opening at 09:00.
Entry to the racecourse costs AU$20 for the first two days and AU$25 for the final day of the event.