Counts Down To The New Year
Countdown Timer
December 21, 2009 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Once again it is time to count down to the New Year. New Year's Eve is traditionally a time for friends to gather and count down the time until a big sparkling ball will drop in Times Square, New York. This is a time when the past year is contemplated and goals are set for the year ahead., the original online alarm clock website, offers help this New Year's season by offering its countdown timer as a semi-official Countdown to the New Year.New Year's Eve is right around the corner, with all of the chaos and loving hurriedness that comes with this year-end holiday. Online Clock is here to serve as a beacon of light to all those persons overwhelmed by the hordes of crazed shoppers, strings of christmas tree lights that always seem to short out, and that green dessert made by grandmothers everywhere that somehow always ends up on the New Year's Eve dinner table, although no one truly likes it.
The creator and founder of explains, "It's very important for people to remind themselves of the freshness and excitement of a new year. We, as humans, need to know that eventually the holiday season will end and batteries aren't needed for every tiny piece of joy." In this spirit, the webmasters at are revealing their official Countdown to the New Year.
Online Clock's countdown is simple to use and requires no batteries. Anyone can use it, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, simply by pointing their web browsers to internet address where it can be found online.
In addition to its New Year's Countdown, Online Clock offers an online countdown function that can be used to mark any other target time or date. Internet users can simply access this countdown and click the link marked "change" to create a customizable countdown clock for any occasion. This countdown is a useful tool to avoid forgetting important times, dates and appointments.
For people who have relatives whom they like, the excitement of the New Year can easily be shared by sending loved ones a link to Online Clock's New Years Countdown. Everyone can gather around their computer screens with desserts they actually enjoy eating to share in the fun of knowing exactly how much time is left until the New Year is finally upon us. For this purpose, urges all its users to keep their web browsers open to its New Years Countdown on New Year's Eve and to join in this form of worldwide countdown.
Since past years have shown a large surge in traffic to its countdown timer on New Year's Even, is expecting heavier than usual web traffic again this year and has instructed its web hosting company to be extra vigilant, in order to ensure uninterrupted service.
In March of 2010, will be celebrating its fourth year of being in operation.