Spire Private Hospitals Raise Awareness on the Dangers of Sun Exposure
May 23, 2009 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
Spire Healthcare Hospitals are warning people to be more aware than ever before of the dangers that the sun can do to you skin. The recent Sun Awareness Week was timed perfectly to raise awareness just before the summer sun.The SunSmart campaign, organised by Cancer Research UK, has released some shocking statistics that skin cancer is now the most common form of cancer for women in their 20s – twice as common as breast cancer in this group
The misuse and misunderstanding of sunbeds and over-exposure to the sun is getting commonly reported in in the UK, yet despite this increase in awareness publicitity, Spire Private Hospitals still see an increase in visits to their clinics from people concerned about changes in their skin due to sun exposure.
Of the two types of common skin cancer, one of which is relatively easy to treat. Melanoma type skin cancer however is more serious and can eventually spread to other organs and tissue if not treated early enough. According to the Cancer Research UK statistical information team, melanoma affected more than 9,500 people throughout 2005.
As part of Spire's drive to develop awareness of this topic, they explain the different types and skin and various symptoms. Skin discolouration and changes to moles can be signs people should seek their GPs advice, which can sometimes lead to treatment such as mole removal. Broken skin that has no reason for inflammation and heals slowly is another symptom people should be aware of.