Austin Wellness Clinic to be Featured on KXAN NBC News 36
May 10, 2009 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
Austin, TX – May 10, 2009 – Austin Wellness Clinic -KXAN NBC News 36 in Austin, TX will be featuring Austin Wellness Clinic during its story on hCG and its use for weight loss on Monday, May 11th during the 10:00 PM newscast. The clinic will be featured as a provider for hCG weight loss programs and hCG injections. Current patients of Austin Wellness Clinic will be relating their personal experiences of how hCG helped them lose weight. The clinic's Doctors John Haest and Vincent Bellonzi will also be giving a brief overview on hCG for weight loss, how it works, and its medical history.
Until recently, the use of hCG for weight loss had been relatively unheard of outside of exclusive groups like celebrities and other wealthy individuals. But hCG has recently become popularized by books like Kevin Trudeau's The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know About and television shows that feature the topic.
HCG stands for Human chorionic gonadotropin, and is a bioidentical hormone produced by the fetus during pregnancy. HCG plays a number of roles in the pregnancy cycle, from protecting the ovaries and maintaining progesterone levels to aiding in the immune tolerance of the pregnancy. In the late 1960s, it was discovered that the hormone could be linked to weight loss, as it targets abnormal fat deposits and has a protective effect on lean muscle.
Austin Wellness Clinic is the first clinic to offer hCG weight loss injections in the area, and has helped thousands of patients in Austin with its medically-supervised hCG weight loss program.
The Austin Wellness Clinic is an integrative medical practice.that brings together the best conventional medical and therapeutic practices to live happier lives without relying on prescription medications. Visit the website to find out more about this incredible hCG weight loss program.