Independent Music Awards Ringtone Category Finalist Bill Champitto performing at Standing O's in Quincy, MA

January 07, 2009 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
Boston, MA – January 7, 2008-Bill Champitto, one of Boston's brightest up and coming independent jazz musicians, is scheduled to perform at Quincy's Standing O', JM Production's newest top talent venue located adjacent to Cela's Restaurant.

Bill was recently identified as a finalist in the Independent Music Awards (IMA) – the awards program for the indie revolution - Ringtone category of the 8th Annual Independent Music Awards. The IMAs and Myxer broke new ground earlier this year with the announcement of their partnership for the launch of this mobile component to the IMA program.

Bill Champitto, who was also recently chosen as 2008's Steppin' Out with the Stars showcase artist will perform with his trio on January 23 and 24. His show will include his own award winning material, new songs from his yet to be released CD "Bounce", and other popular music from such artists as (in no particular order): Harry Connick, Michael Buble, Eric Clapton, Bob Marley, Ray Charles, Bill Whithers, Sinatra, Santana, Van Morrison, Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, and others.

Tickets to the January shows are available through JM Production's Website at or by calling (617) 786 - SHOW (7469). To access the free ringtone of "Rigamaroll by Bill Champitto" from your cell phone Text "569732" to 69937 (MYXER) or on your computer go to

Ringtone finalists will join Myxer's extensive catalog of over 1 million items and have their music promoted to the company's 16 million users. Results will be based on the number of free downloads received from the IMA Myxer generated Ringtone Finalists Jukebox and announced in April 2009.