Hot New Online PR Guide from C&M: Party Hard - the New Social Theory of Online PR
December 11, 2008 (PRLEAP.COM) Media News
Uber-hot UK-based online PR agency Content & Motion today announced that its all-new, all-star Online PR 'playbook' is now freely available to download, read and get excited about.The paper is available, FREE, today via:
Entitled 'Party Hard – the New Social Theory of Online PR,' the article helps modern marketing people, CEO's and geeks to think through what it takes to generate buzz, awareness and new traffic through smart Online PR tactics.
It provides five tried and tested 'theories' to help make Online PR campaigns fly.
They are:
1. Listen up! Don't attach names or labels without taking counsel;
2. Be interesting: create noteworthy content (make people laugh, mad and/or excited);
3. Party harder: seek and you shall find. (Don't expect folks to come to you!);
4. Be a good social citizen: give your content away freely and generously;
5. Be socially useful: don't build unnecessary content services.
The paper discusses each of these theories in turn and provides a wealth of balanced examples and insights on how to use them to improve your Online PR work.
Says C&M founder Roger Warner, "We put this paper together to help companies figure out how to change their Online PR and content marketing practices for the better. We're asked on a daily basis to help people generate more buzz and traffic – and nine times out of ten the solutions we come up with are similar. So rather than sit on them we thought we'd do the decent thing and share them around."
The paper is available, FREE, today via:
Go get it!
About Online PR Agency, Content & Motion
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C&M is an Online PR agency that excels at Content Creation, Content Optimisation, and SEO. We use a variety of groovy web marketing techniques to help you win new friends and influence people. The company was founded in mid-2008 by Roger Warner – web marketing junkie, ex-director of PR at IBM Europe, and personality type D.
The company works on the partnership model of all great consultancies, meaning that ownership is shared, staff are obsessive, brains and egos are large, and attention spans are notoriously focused. Fortunately this is good news for our clients, who tend to benefit from consolidated bouts of outrageously good service and smart thinking and execution.
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Contact Information
Roger Warner, Online PR Agency C&M
Online PR Agency, Content & Motion
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Roger Warner, Online PR Agency C&M
Online PR Agency, Content & Motion
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