Exclusive Baby Boomer Only Social Website Unleashed
December 09, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
December 9, 2007 - Evansville, Indiana; A Social Website made especially for the over 40 crowd has finally been released. Boomers Network.com is launching and creating quite a stir in some of the internet hot spots. We found information on Digg, Stumbleupon , even a group on Facebook about it, as well as several other social bookmarking sites. The reviews seem to be very positive for this older generation active lifestyle social site. Will it do better than some of the recent Baby Boomers sites released? We think so. The differences of this site are quite evident as you look at the sign in page. They are promoting No Ads or junk e-mail . Boomers are getting hit from all sides as people are waking up to the fact that they hold a few Trillion Dollars and are the main money force in the economy. Companies are bombarding the boomers with ads and marketing campaigns that are not only shameful in some instances but very tiring and it is only going to get worse.
“By instituting a subscription based site we will be able to maintain and create more opportunities for information, rather than just trying to sell something to stay in business" said Keith White CEO of Boomers Network.
The site also features a place where the boomers can have their own website hosted within Boomers Network. This is an easy setup that allows the dip of a big toe into the world of Blogs. Members can upload photos, music, videos and write about what is on their mind. The benefit is that since Boomers Network members are all one generation the information is read by those that have an interest.
Other features of the site include; live member only teleconferences with experts, great current events articles, a jukebox (which we thought was really cool) games and brain teasers, Celebrate Life ( a spotlight of a real senior that has made a difference in someone’s life ) huge travel discounts, live chat, forum and so much more.
The site is very pleasant and gives off great vibes of active and happy people. We looked around and were surprised at the number of people that had already found their way there before the site was even launched.
“We realize that we are on uncharted territory with a subscription based site” says White of Boomers Network adding “ however, we feel that there are people that want to be treated as adults and given the right medium they will feel more comfortable. The subscription and the moderation will keep away the spammers and opportunists.”
He believes this will allow the Boomers Network Organization to bring exclusive content based information to the membership, providing opportunities for a more intimate community feeling and good vibes all around.
Boomers Network is operated by people that are Boomers themselves and know what is of interest and what present and future concerns this generation will face.
Articles and information range from health and wellness topics to the environment, retirement living, to travel and fun. In visiting with White and the folks there we found out that several Boomer Network events are also planned and they will be releasing details soon.
With over 72 million Boomers this website has a great chance of changing the way Boomers use the internet. So far the over 40 crowd has not caught the big wave of social networking. The creators of Boomers Network feel one reason for this is the commercialization of the free sites and the fact that this group of people are not interested in all of the applications that draw the younger crowds. They want information and benefits which will impact them directly. Boomers Network seems to fit the bill and we are very interested to see the results in a year. It looks to be the best choice for people in their active retirement years to learn, have fun and share information and concerns with other folks that really care about the same things.
Plus join now and get in on the two upcoming tele-seminars for the month. “Your Questions Answered on Protecting Yourself While Shopping Online” Dec. 14, and “Your Questions answered about Traveling during the Holidays” Dec 18th