July 13, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
The Law of One says that when one person is harmed, all are harmed, and when one is helped, all are helped. It focuses on the “highest good for all”. Oshana believes that when everyone is practicing this law in their personal and business life, the world will be a better place.

This book says that we are at the dawn of what many ancient prophecies call the “Golden Age”, which is an age of peace of prosperity for all people everywhere. It tells us that we can do much to heal the world situation by healing our emotions first. The book includes a few interviews with people doing humanitarian work in the world.

Oshana’s company, To Go Beyond, offers workshops, teleclasses and private sessions, a Healing Gift Store and affiliate network of companies and organizations which support and are dedicated to humanitarian projects.

Contact: Oshana Himot at 520-349-1348, or email