Hamiltons’ success at the Maynard
November 15, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Peak District hotel and restaurant The Maynard recently hosted an evening with The Hamiltons, in association with John Green who compered the evening and organised auction and raffle prizes. Proceeds went to the Ruskin Charity.Paul Downing, director of The Maynard, said: “We were delighted to welcome Neil and Christine to The Maynard and all the guests seemed to have a great evening. It was especially interesting to get Neil and Christine’s views on the current political situation in Britain, and hear their personal memoirs and opinions about Thatcher, Major, and other leading political figures and celebrities.
”We were delighted to help raise much needed funds for the Ruskin Charity, and we look forward to our forthcoming Ruskin Charity fundraisers in December and February, when we welcome Bill Beaumont and Frank Bruno to The Maynard.”
Bookings are now being taken for The Maynard’s next events: an evening with England Rugby Union legend Bill Beaumont on 6 December, and an evening with boxing hero Frank Bruno on 21 February 2008.
Call 01433 630321 for further information and bookings.
Media Contact: BeyondPR. Tel: 0114 275 6996. Mob: 07930 697773. www.beyondpr.co.uk
Ref: MAY070– The Hamiltons 4