More and More Women Binge Drinkers Are Using Hypnosis To Stop Alcohol Binges, Finds JustBeWell.Com
Stop Binge Drinking - Steve Tromans - Just Be Well
December 06, 2008 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
Hynotherapists at the international firm JustBeWell are experiencing a signficant increase in the number of women using hypnosis to stop binge drinking."We are seeing more and more women coming to us for help," said Steve Tromans, the founder of "Five years ago it was quite common for around sixty per cent of our visitors on this subject to be male. Nowadays the balance has shifted and it is sixty per cent women and just forty per cent men who we see wanting to quit alcohol."
While alcoholism is certainly a danger to many people who like drinking, binge drinking is something else altogether. Instead of drinking regularly, a binge drinker may only indulge in the evenings or at the weekend. But when they do, it tends to be in huge and potentially dangerous quantities.
"There is a real push to cut down on the numbers of people who are drinking to excess like this," added Steve Tromans. "This is something that young people in particular are known for in Britain. But fortunately there are ways that women who are affected can get help – as can men."
The solution here lays in hypnotherapy. And women who want to try it have two options – they can either go to see a hypnotherapist to help them stop binge drinking, or they can quit alcohol on their own with the help of a self hypnosis audio recording.
"Hypnosis is a practical and relaxing way to change your drink habit," said Steve. "Bingeing like this can lead to alcoholism later on down the line if you aren't careful – but making a stand now and using hypnosis to change your habits can make all the difference."
If women aren't able to visit a hypnotherapist or they simply want a solution to stop binge drinking that will work without them having to leave home, Steve has the solution. And it is an easily accessible one as well.
"A self hypnosis audio recording can be listened to in any quiet moments at home," he advises. "Most people find they can stop binge drinking reasonably quickly and cut right down on their drink without any trouble at all."
While the government is trying to find ways to stop binge drinking among both men and women, it is at least reassuring that women are seeking help. Hypnotherapy has already worked for many people – all that is required is to seek the help of a qualified hypnotherapist or invest in one of the self hypnosis audio programmes that are available on the subject.
Just Be Well is an international hypnotherapy practice with centres in London, New York, Vancouver, Dublin, Sydney
For more information, contact Steve Tromans at, or alternatively you can visit the website at